To encourage Young Scientists, The Indian Science Congress Association has instituted a number of awards in different disciplines. These awards carry a sum of Rs.25,000/- besides a Certificate of Merit. Applications are invited from members (Life & Annual) of the Association who have paid their subscription on or before July 15, 2016. The upper age limit of the candidates for the award is 32 years as reckoned on December 31, 2016 ( born on and after January 01,1985).
Four copies of the abstract (not exceeding 100 words) along with four copies of full length paper must reach the office of the General Secretary (Membership Affairs) not later than August 16, 2016. At the top of each copy of the paper and its abstract, the name of the Section under which the paper is to be considered should be indicated. For details of Sections see
Along with the Four copies of paper, Four copies of the Application Form (to be downloaded from ISCA website ( with brief bio-data of the candidate (not exceeding 2 pages), list of publications , with copies of reprints of already published papers if any and a soft copy of the duly filled application form with scanned copies of enclosures (excluding reprints), full length paper and abstract in MS Word along with bio data in the form of a CD must also be sent simultaneously along with the hard copies.
The Paper submitted must be a single author paper and the research work should have been carried out in India and this has to be certified by the Head of the Institution from where the candidate is applying.
The candidate should give an undertaking that the paper being submitted has not been published in any journal or presented in any other Conference / Seminar / Symposium or submitted for consideration of any award.
A Young Scientist can present only one paper in any one Section (and not a second paper on the same or any other topic in any other Section).
A person who has already received Young Scientist Award in any section once will not be eligible to apply for the above Award in the same or any other section.
Incomplete Applications will not be considered.
The papers submitted will be subjected to verification for authenticity.
Full length paper will be evaluated by experts and the selected Young Scientists (maximum of six) in each section will be invited to make oral presentation of their paper during 104th Indian Science Congress. The selected candidates will be provided admissible travelling allowances by ISCA.
The final selection for the Awards will be made by a duly constituted committee and the awards will be given during the Valedictory Session of 104th the Indian Science Congress session to be held in S.R.M. University of Chennai on January 7,2017.
Applications submitted for the above award will not be returned.
The last date for receiving papers at ISCA Headquarters is August 16,2016.
All Correspondences should be made to:
The General Secretary (Membership Affairs.),
The Indian Science Congress Association,
14, Dr. Biresh Guha St., Kolkata-700017.
Tel. Nos. (033) 2287-4530/2281-5323
Fax No.91-33-2287-2551
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