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Hubble issues 25th birthday image

Westerlund 2

The Hubble Space Telescope has celebrated its silver anniversary with a picture ... Read more »

Views: 658 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Apr-2015 | Comments (0)

Learning from Earth's Smallest Ecosystems (Kavli Hangout)

From inside our bodies to under the ocean floor, microbiomes — communities of bacteria and other one-celled organisms — thrive everywhere in nature. Emerging at least 3.8 billion years ago, they molded our planet and created its oxygen-rich atmosphere. Without them, life on Earth could not exist. 

Yet we know surprisingly little about the ... Read more »

Views: 761 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Apr-2015 | Comments (0)

The vampire squid’s unusual sex life, 170-year-old champagne, and Yellowstone’s supervolcano

Top stories: The vampire squid’s unusual sex life, 170-year-old champagne, and Yellowstone’s supervolcano

... Read more »

Views: 618 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Apr-2015 | Comments (0)

Depression leaves lasting mark on DNA

Depression changes people down to their DNA, a new study suggests.

People with depression have more mitochondrial DNA and shorter telomeres than nondepressed people do, an international team of researchers  ... Read more »

Views: 703 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Apr-2015 | Comments (0)

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