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Home » 2016 » December » 01

Connecting the World

Social media, low cost telephone calls, video conferencing with family and friends – these are three examples of how the internet allows people around the world to feel connected in a way that has never before been possible in history. And all of this technology is because of light! This page will contain links and resources that will let you understand how it is ultrashort light data pulses propagating in tiny optical fibers the width of a human hair that have created the modern communications infrastructure and the internet that we all use every day.

What are fiber optics?

Optical fibers are extremely thin, flexible, transparent fiber made of silica or plastic. These hair-like fibers transmit light signals from one end to the other, and ... Read more »

Views: 737 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 01-Dec-2016 | Comments (0)

A Brief History of Light

From early attempts to understand the motion of stars and planets to the appreciation of the importance of light in photosynthesis, efforts to understand the nature and the characteristics of light have revolutionized nearly every field of science. This page will provide an overview and timeline of the history of our understanding of light, and will provide a link to the presentation given on this topic at the Opening Ceremony.

Where to begin?
An important stage of the evolution of the Universe occurred around 300,000 years after the Big Bang, when the temperature was cool enough (around 4000 degrees) for neutral atoms to form. Before that time, there were too many charged particles to allow light to travel more than a ve ... Read more »

Views: 685 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 01-Dec-2016 | Comments (0)

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