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Mental arithmetic

Mental arithmetic

Being able to do calculations in your head has some obvious uses, like checking your change in the supermarket, or figuring out the scores on the cricket ground. But is it useful for anything else in this age of computers and calculators?

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Views: 616 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 21-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

What use is maths in studying?

What use is maths in studying?

The mathematical skills of problem solving, logical thinking, and investigation will help your progress in whatever you choose to study. In addition to these general skills, you will need maths for learning in a wide range of areas – anything from plumbing to economics.

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Views: 580 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 21-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

What use is maths in getting a job?

What types of skills do employers look for? Problem solving, analysis, data handling and communication skills, to name just a few. These transferable skills are useful in any job, and you can get all of them from studying maths.

Think about an ... Read more »

Views: 685 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 21-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

What use is maths?

You may wonder what connects the maths you do in school to the real world. Will you ever have to solve an equation or find an angle outside your classroom? Maths is very useful and is everywhere in everyday life. You might not think of buying sweets as algebra or consider the maths that went into designing your favourite computer game. However, math ... Read more »

Views: 630 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 21-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

What use is maths in everyday life?

What do going out for dinner, choosing a shampoo, or planning a holiday all have in common? You’ve guessed it: maths. Numerical and logical thinking play a part in each of these everyday activities, and in many others. A good understanding of maths is essential for making sense of all the numbers and problems life throws at us.

What use is maths in everyday life?

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Views: 647 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 21-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

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