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Home » 2015 » November » 25

Light can control waves in heart tissue


Researchers have found a new way to take charge of an out-of-control heart. All it takes is a light touch — literally touching the heart with a pulse of visible light.

Your heart beats ... Read more »

Views: 637 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

Plastic trash travels up to Arctic waters

sea trash

Plastic trash has infiltrated the Arctic. Two new studies have spied bags, fishing rope and tinier bits of rubbish in the Barents Sea.

This sea sits north of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. It mixe ... Read more »

Views: 688 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

Final chapter published in decades-long Gravity Probe B project

quartz spheres with Einstein photo

A grueling but ultimately successful effort to test Einstein’s 100-year-old general theory of relativity has come to a close more than half a century after it began. Twenty-one papers published online November 17 in Classical and Quantum Gravity present a detailed summation of  ... Read more »

Views: 628 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

Gut microbes signal when dinner is done

E. coli K12 bacterium

Gut bacteria are not polite dinner guests. They fill up fast and tell their host to quit eating, too.

After only 20 minutes, helpful E. coli populations that live in animal guts produce proteins that can curb how hun ... Read more »

Views: 692 | Added by: scienceclub | Date: 25-Nov-2015 | Comments (0)

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